Chemistry tries to explain the mystery of the world. (Primo Levi)
Innovate with respect to the original values
The current market scenario is characterised by the search for new competitive opportunities for the industry and the other business fields: the chemicals marketing sector needs to adapt its delivery times, costs and characteristics to the current situation.
We decided to strategically respond to this need by reorganising the company and prioritising the core business of Torchiani Srl, i.e. the marketing of specific chemicals.
The Brescia headquarters will undergo a 7,000 sq m extension involving both the offices and the technical and logistical areas, which will become wider and more efficient, thereby ensuring a greater storage area for the products, optimising transport dynamics and further improving the company safety. Great attention has been paid to the optimisation of the surrounding green areas and the protection of the environment.
Inspired by this drive for change we decided to redesign the whole company structure, extending our product range thanks to the important acquisitions and the reorganisation of the logistics management. Our aim is to support and expand our market, based on our experience, specialisation, attention to the needs of the market and of our customers and the quality of our products.
Acquiring and merging companies synergistically is not easy, and Torchiani is putting all its energies in achieving harmony and setting the pace.
This top priority requires that everybody become fully responsible. A real epochal change is into play: despite its long-standing territorial tradition and reputation, Torchiani Srl is no longer characterised by a merely local and localised structure and is now open to new markets.